Mind Your Language is a British comedy television series that was originally aired on ITV between 1977 and 1979. Produced by LWT and directed by Stuart Allen, it is set in a school for adult students in London, focusing on the English as a Foreign Language class taught by Mr. Jeremy Brown, portrayed Barry Evans, who had to deal with a motley crew of foreigners. A new version of the show with some of the original cast aired in 1986.
I came across the series last week and I cannot stop laughing. I watch Mind Your Language when taking a break from my studies. I have learned English from Mr. Brown and his students. I agree with the students in the series that English is not transparent and confusing particularly prepositions, idioms, and phrasal verbs, for instance, bottom up, take a chair, lay up (on the bed). As a second or foreign language learner, I always make mistakes in my speeches. Additionally, my accent reveals where I come from. It's hard to get rid of Thai accent in my English and I now surrender and accept it. Any grammatical mistakes including syntactic and lexical, semantic errors in this blog, thousands apologies : )
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